quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2010


Amanhã é o jantar de Natal. Não estou com muita vontade de ir. Estou cansada e não estou muito no espírito para além de outros factores que não me apetece mencionar aqui.
O Mobile já não está lá, este jantar nunca vai bater o do ano passado, não me apetece ter de estar com algumas pessoas, não tenho o mesmo á vontade do ano passado para brincar, cantar se houver karaoke e conversar babuseiras. Mas pronto.
Uma colega disse:" Vai ser giro. Uma carrada de carne de vaca a passar pelos indianos. Vaca...a vaca é sagrada para eles." Mas como eu respondi: "Se eles não souberem que é vaca também ninguém lhes vai dizer."

terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Saga continua...

...marulhar... como é que raio eu traduzo isso para alemão?

Já ninguém diz marulhar.

Alguém me ajuda? Anyone?

Isto é para rir ou para chorar?

After opening my mail:

What the...? The man has turned the selling of a house into a freekin' tvi soap opera!

When someone from your family asks you to translate something you should know... shit happens.

Hotel babylon does bohemian rhapsody

Fartei-me de rir quando vi isto.

quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilber

'There is a reason they call God a presence - because God is right here, right now. In the present is the only place to find Him, and now is the only time.'

'Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.'

Christmas' Eve is coming

I'm usually very excited about Christmas. I don't care too much for Christmas' trees but the lights in the street and the thought of having the whole family together pleases me.
However, this year I'm not that excited. I'm not excited at all.
My aunt is mad at my cousins, my cousins are mad at my aunt. Before that they were mad at my oncle because he didn't quite have the best behaviour with my aunt.
The whole family is a mess and I don't feel like pretending everything is ok when it is not(because that is what will be happening on Christmas' Eve). Just the thought of it makes me sick.
Could you please solve all your issues before Christmas' Eve?

I remember when some years ago I didn't have friends and I used to think 'at least I have my family'. But right now my family is exausting me, taking away my strengths. My mother almost can't breathe and I know she can't continue like that or her health is going seriously down. I know that. You know that but you don't remember that. And if my sister continues like she's going, she'll be heading soon towards depression. And I can't talk to her. She would explode. She has reasons to be like that but I don't want her to.

For this reason, Christmas' Eve doesn't sound that good to me this year.